Tough economic times create difficult choices for people. When the paycheck is coming in and it does not cover everything people re-evaluate what gets paid and what changes can be made to make the budget balance. The first things that get eliminated are what people training clients consider the non-essentials. What they spend at the health club often falls into that category. Yes, we know how exercise is beneficial for stress reduction, but that doesn’t alter most people’s budget decisions. Have you noticed a decrease in your personal trainer salary over the past year? Most fitness professionals have. That can be disheartening since that shrinking salary is not a reflection on your awesome potential. You may have that you had no control over the situation. I am here to tell you that you do have control. Now, you are faced with not only a challenge, but an opportunity. You can either quit or find a way to make it all work. A partnership with Team Beachbody will help you succeed and grow your business.
The Past Twelve Months
Over the past twelve months have you had to reduce your hourly rate just for the chance to earn new client business? You probably have tried that, but haven’t seen an increase in clients from it. Has your gym’s owner decided to take a higher portion of the split you had agreed to? There is no way you can control that. If they can’t pay their bills you definitely will not have any income coming in from that gym – it will be closed.
Are clients asking about bartering for your fitness expertise? Bartering is the exception to the rule because it cannot be done for everything you need to live. How about a vacation? Vacations are one of the best ways to recharge and rejuvenate. Not to mention, you work hard and deserve a vacation. However, you cannot go on vacation if you don’t have the money and you come back to fewer clients than when you left. I think you are getting the big picture. Now, it is time to forget about how tough the past twelve months have been and look to the potential you have right now. By right now, I mean today!